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Speedcrypt File Encryption Reviews
My Projects Open Source!
It is software to encrypt your data that implements some of the most powerful and secure algorithms in the world. It also uses the most sophisticated Password Derivation Techniques, with very robust HASH Functions. Speedcrypt implements libraries such as Bouncy Castle and others among the most used in the world of Cryptography. Speedcrypt is a Free Program for encrypt the files which helps you to manage in a secure way.
The files are encrypted using the best and most Secure Encryption Algorithms currently known:

Speedcrypt Data Encryption
Speedcrypt Ver. 1.5
Speedcrypt is it really Free, more than that: it is Open Source. You can have a look at its full Source Code and check whether the security features are implemented correctly. Following are some of the key features of Speedcrypt:

  • Drag and drop the Master Key
  • keyboard typing
  • Key Files with PIN
  • Six Encryption Engines
  • Six Pseudo-Random Generators of Numbers and Strings
  • Fourteen HASH Functions available in the Program
  • Three different Compression Algorithms
  • Five different Deletion Algorithms
  • Test List
  • Protected Mode
  • Strong Password Generator
  • Filling of the Master Key
  • SALT Encryption
  • Protection Against Dictionary Attacks
  • Process Memory Protection
  • Encryption Time Report
  • Hierarchical Organization of Encrypted Files
  • Generation Of Password List
For more information, see the Security Page.

Speedcrypt File Encryption Reviews
"Speedcrypt File Encryption has just been recognized with a Rising Star award by SourceForge. This honor is awarded only to select projects that have reached significant milestones in terms of downloads and user engagement from the SourceForge community". Special thanks to the SourceForge team!
When you download the Speedcrypt Project, you have the option to download four different Packages. You can choose the one that best suits your needs, including the Packages that contain the Source Code. You can review, modify, and recompile them as you wish. Always make sure to download the Speedcrypt Project from the Official Website to ensure that you get completely safe versions, free from viruses, Backdoor and Malicious Software.
This project was born following the one created by Dominik Reichl, who made the Source Code available to the world. I have made substantial modifications, adjustments, and improvements which I now make available for anyone who intends to create their own, personal project. Many thanks to Dominik. You can download Dominik's Original Project at this internet Web Address.
With EasyHash you can compute hashsums of files and texts. EasyHash supports most of the common hashing and one-way algorithms, including Adler-32, Cksum-32, CRC-16, CRC-16-CCITT, CRC-16-XModem, CRC-32, CRC-32-MPEG2, CRC-64, ELF-32, FCS-16, FNV-32, FNV-64, GOST, MD2, MD4, MD5, PJW-32, SDBM-32, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, Sum-32, XUM-32 and many more.
EasyHash Hash Compute Hash
HeasyHash Ver. 1.0
It doesn't require an Installation Setup and can be conveniently carried on a USB Pen Drive. It doesn't modify the system it operates on in any way and leaves no traces of its presence.

EasyHash Version 1.0. Author: Mariano Ortu Copyright (c) 2007-2024. The program is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License v3 and is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative. For more information see the License Page in EasyHash.

Screenshots: [Hashing Files][Hashing Text][Hashing Images]
                     Source Code
Download SecureDel
MD5        :    EE1131E3 77373202 BB2099A5 ACD65213
SHA-1     :   134852F3 318F133D F8F709B9 71DF199C 9B9D325A
SHA-256 : 2039602B F99C31CE 45F4A00E 54ABE3A3 AC933C17
                9ADA6248 08084EBF 7A0BFB4D
MD5       : 98829A3B 8A4DF1C4 90D7090F 57ABA0DA
SHA-1     : 558D3B24 C433CB95 41E05649 67BB68D3 7E45390E
SHA-256 : 40135E9B 2E153424 3F372A3E 03C28165 AFC7EE05
              9630D052 9C7FCA15 12C19DC2

If you want to verify the integrity of the downloaded Speedcrypt Files, you can run the HASH of the files themselves. You can do this on the Internet through appropriate sites or through the HeasyHash Calculator software, which I personally recommend, and check whether the calculated HASH matches the one given on the following Webpage.
SecureDel is a small Utility that I created to make file deletion secure. It has five Deletion Algorithms that allow you to delete files according to your needs. It is very convenient, fast, does not require installation. SecureDel is a very powerful, fast, high-performance software. It allows you to permanently delete all types of files from your hard drive so that they cannot be recovered. To do this, SecureDel offers some of the most commonly used deletion algorithms within the developer community, these algorithms are well-tested and highly effective. It's very easy to use and comes with a very pleasant and intuitive interface. SecureDel can delete files in such a way that they cannot be recovered from your hard disk, external drives, or other types of storage media.
Secure File Deletion
SecureDel Ver. 1.1
It doesn't require an Installation Setup and can be conveniently carried on a USB Pen Drive. It doesn't modify the system it operates on in any way and leaves no traces of its presence. You can use it directly from a USB Pen drive, or for local deletions, from the desktop or other locations. Revamped graphical user interface. Improved and enhanced the folder deletion algorithm. SecureDel 1.1 is stable, you can also download the Source Code.

SecureDel 1.1. Author: Mariano Ortu Copyright (c) 2007-2024. The program is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License v3 and is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative. For more information see the License Page in SecureDel.
Screenshots: [File List][Report]
                    Source Code
Download SecureDel
MD5        : 98143B13 8F152823 057A197C 57CB7F7A
SHA-1     : 705E59C1 E63D8550 B2D5731A 385B5525 F11CD6E5
SHA-256 : E436C0FF DDD0ABE0 C22B8E8C 55D75CA3 FA4A8E94
               45546214 9124E1FC 09F04D7F

MD5       : 90591CD0 6671EB2B D47028EE A008D806
SHA-1    : 2BBFA00A 459C8CDE 0EB4EAF4 D9952802 D88D8C37
SHA-256 : A10DBB49 D840FACC 3332CFEB A030259B 661DFBCE
               13A53239 214094CE A0B66BBC
The erasure algorithms I implemented in the SecureDel project are the same as those used in the Speedcrypt project for erasing master files so that they cannot be recovered. For more information you can visit this Webpage.
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